What CAGE Codes Are Associated with Klixon?
To engage in government contracts and the supply of federal agencies, Klixon operates under CAGE Codes like .
What Part Types Does Klixon Offer?
On our website, we carry , and other forms of items from Klixon, ensuring a rounded selection of offerings.
What Part Numbers Are Provided by Klixon?
As you explore our catalogs, you will see that we have in-demand Klixon part numbers like 5930-01-097-1828, M1100080286, C-4344-162-1-3M, 6925-993-2616, 21788-9, and others ready for purchase today.
What NSNs Are Associated with Klixon?
The National Stock Numbers (NSNs) associated with products offered by Klixon include , and others.
What FSCs Are Associated with Klixon?
Items we carry from Klixon fall under various Federal Supply Classes (FSCs), including FSCs like , and others.